How to check and fix MySQL replication inconsistencies ?

There are several possibilities to end up with inconsistent MySQL replication, This could be accidental or intentional. In this blog I would like to discuss on how to identify the inconsistent slaves with master and fix them. I used here pt-table-checksum (to find the difference between master and slave) and pt-table-sync (to sync. between MySQL master and slave) from Percona Toolkit, The detailed documentation of Percona toolkit is available here for your reference. I expect / recommend you to be careful (as I mentioned above, sometimes records are inserted / deleted on MySQL slave intentionally) before using pt-table-checksum to sync. slave with master because rollbacking this task is even more expensive. The objective of this blog is to show you how to find differences between master and slave in an MySQL replication infrastructure, If you have decided to sync. slave with master then please proceed with pt-table-sync tool. Both pt-table-checksum and pt-table-sync are highly customizable tools, I have used very simple form of them in the examples below:

Master –

Slave –

Percona Toolkit Version – 3.0.12

MySQL Version -MySQL GA 5.7.23

I have created a user in the master to check and repair:

GRANT ALL ON *.* to chksum@'%' identified by 'Password@2018';

In case you have non default ports (3306) for MySQL, Please set the following variables on the slaves:

# my.cnf
report_host = slave
report_port = 3307

Confirm data inconsistencies in Master ( and Slave (


mysql> select count(1) from titles; 
| count(1) |
|   443308 |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)


mysql> select count(1) from titles; 
| count(1) |
|   443311 |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

Check data inconsistencies using pt-table-checksum:

Check for data inconsistencies by executing the following command** on the Master:

** command I have executed below :- pt-table-checksum h=,u=chksum,p=Password@2018,P=3306 –set-vars innodb_lock_wait_timeout=30 –no-check-binlog-format –databases=employees –tables=titles

[root@localhost ~]# pt-table-checksum h=,u=chksum,p=Password@2018,P=3306 --set-vars innodb_lock_wait_timeout=30 --no-check-binlog-format --databases=employees --tables=titles
Checking if all tables can be checksummed ...
Starting checksum ...
09-20T22:53:02      0      2   443308          5       6       0   1.319 employees.titles

Fixing data inconsistencies using pt-table-checksum

We are checking data inconsistency from Master ( to Slave ( by executing the following command** on the Master:

** command I have executed below :- pt-table-sync –sync-to-master h=,u=chksum,p=Password@2018,P=3306 –databases=employees –tables=titles –print

[root@localhost ~]# pt-table-sync --sync-to-master h=,u=chksum,p=Password@2018,P=3306 --databases=employees --tables=titles --print
REPLACE INTO `employees`.`titles`(`emp_no`, `title`, `from_date`, `to_date`) VALUES ('10144', 'Senior Staff', '1992-10-14', '1993-08-10') /*percona-toolkit src_db:employees src_tbl:titles src_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum dst_db:employees dst_tbl:titles dst_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:3789 user:root host:localhost.localdomain*/;
REPLACE INTO `employees`.`titles`(`emp_no`, `title`, `from_date`, `to_date`) VALUES ('10144', 'Staff', '1985-10-14', '1992-10-14') /*percona-toolkit src_db:employees src_tbl:titles src_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum dst_db:employees dst_tbl:titles dst_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:3789 user:root host:localhost.localdomain*/;
DELETE FROM `employees`.`titles` WHERE `emp_no`='87000' AND `title`='Staff Engineer' AND `from_date`='1990-01-01' LIMIT 1 /*percona-toolkit src_db:employees src_tbl:titles src_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum dst_db:employees dst_tbl:titles dst_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:3789 user:root host:localhost.localdomain*/;
DELETE FROM `employees`.`titles` WHERE `emp_no`='97000' AND `title`='Database Engineer' AND `from_date`='1991-01-01' LIMIT 1 /*percona-toolkit src_db:employees src_tbl:titles src_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum dst_db:employees dst_tbl:titles dst_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:3789 user:root host:localhost.localdomain*/;
DELETE FROM `employees`.`titles` WHERE `emp_no`='97500' AND `title`='Project Manager' AND `from_date`='1983-04-11' LIMIT 1 /*percona-toolkit src_db:employees src_tbl:titles src_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum dst_db:employees dst_tbl:titles dst_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:3789 user:root host:localhost.localdomain*/;
DELETE FROM `employees`.`titles` WHERE `emp_no`='97501' AND `title`='Project Manager' AND `from_date`='1983-04-11' LIMIT 1 /*percona-toolkit src_db:employees src_tbl:titles src_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum dst_db:employees dst_tbl:titles dst_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:3789 user:root host:localhost.localdomain*/;
DELETE FROM `employees`.`titles` WHERE `emp_no`='97502' AND `title`='Project Engineer' AND `from_date`='1993-04-11' LIMIT 1 /*percona-toolkit src_db:employees src_tbl:titles src_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum dst_db:employees dst_tbl:titles dst_dsn:P=3306,h=,p=...,u=chksum lock:1 transaction:1 changing_src:1 replicate:0 bidirectional:0 pid:3789 user:root host:localhost.localdomain*/;
[root@localhost ~]# 

To fix inconsistencies on MySQL Master against the Slave execute the following command on the Master:

[root@localhost ~]# pt-table-sync --sync-to-master h=,u=chksum,p=Password@2018,P=3306 --databases=employees --tables=titles --execute

Confirm the data inconsistencies in Master ( and Slave ( are fixed:


mysql> select count(1) from titles;
| count(1) |
|   443308 |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)


mysql> select count(1) from titles;
| count(1) |
|   443308 |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)


I recommend / encourage my customers to perform pt-table-checksum exercise regularly in their MySQL replication infrastructure to avoid unpleasant experiences due to data consistency issues.

About Shiv Iyer 36 Articles
WebScale Database Infrastructure Operations Expert in MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and ClickHouse with core interests in performance, scalability, high availability and database reliability engineering. Shiv currently is the Founder and Principal of MinervaDB, an independent and vendor neutral Consulting, 24*7 Support and Remote DBA Services provider for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and ClickHouse serving approximately 300 customers globally.